Tuesday, 21 November 2017

I'm a Celebrity…..Get Me Out Of Here episode 3 review

I’ve done my research today as i was intrigued to know why a young, thin, healthy looking person -  Rebekah, would be ruled out of a trial on medical grounds, my delving around on the web has revealed that she has an allergic reaction to all fishy things so was unable to swim around with them. She is not being Shellfish, oh my cod, she really cant do it.

Also seen today on various websites is a photo of Amir Khan, who said he was petrified of snakes, wtf is that round your neck then Amir?

Back to tonight and Episode three.

Oooh Dennis Wise had a jungle shower today, he certainly works out as he is fit.  The rest of the camp mates spent the morning sniffing their armpits and discussing how much they smell, comparing each other to things like “gone off milk”

Tonights trial ‘flushed out’ and the celebrity doing it thought they may encounter Eels and turtles in the water, I think not, think again. It involved a tank filling up with water and tools opened various other boxes containing more tools to open more boxes blah blah blah and the last one would have a key to open the top and allow you out.  Of course you would not be in there alone, and it wasn't Ant and Dec getting in for company. How will they do ………….

Just sidetracking a tad, i think the ad breaks seem to be far more frequent this year, we need less ads and much more jungle action please.

The trial being described to the camp was Hollywooded up a tad but good luck to them dramatising it a bit for the others entertainment.

Oooh Jack has been withdrawn from the show, allegedly due to racist and homophobic comments. Must say this did not take place in the camp, but outside of the camp. I wonder if we have a standby celebrity to take his place.

Jack and Toff really struggled to empty the Dunny due to the smell, Its a shit job, but someone has to do it. A lot of rice and beans have been consumed so far.

The Dingo Dollar challenge was taken on by Stanley and Toff, Ticket from the machine, question about celebs then a hammer hitting a weight to stop in the area of the face of their chosen celeb. Stanley answering a question about eating a placenta questions “do they mean polenta, have they spelt it wrong”. They won the dingo dollars to see Kiosk Keith. Not telling you what happened.

The campmates with meal tickets tucked into Emu, while the rest where left with rice and beans again, Jack mentioned “he found it like eating cement” I wonder how he knows this? Most of us might try a bit of dirt as a kid, maybe the odd bug  but cement ??

Ooh make sure you are not eating while watching tomorrow night as its time for two celebs to take on the eating trial. ‘Worst Dates.

Contributed by GoggleboxPosh


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