Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Celebrity Hunted episode 3

Last week Spencer took a sneaky visit to see his girlfriend and left Jamie, splitting up for a short amount of time.  He just manages to go unnoticed by the hunters this week, is this down to the moustache, almost unrecognisable. .
Anneka is taking a huge risk, why on earth has she not booked a holiday from work? Why is she ringing people?  Surely Anneka Rice of all people will know that she should avoid the phone at all costs when arranging accommodation and transport.  Is this where the game ends for Anneka Rice?
The focus switches to the reunion of Spencer and Jamie but Vogue has been visited by the hunters late at night who realised they have spent the day together.  What a slap in the face for the hunters!
Jamie and Spencer are relying on the public to stay hidden but as social media is so popular nowadays, they are worried they have been too trusting by staying in a nice house. Their fear is well placed when a family friend who visits in the morning rings Hunter HQ, apparently totally money driven.
I am happy to say the hunters are too late; Spencer and Jamie are seven miles away, thanks to Jess.  Things are just getting awkward for the Hunters now. Maybe they should consider a change in career? By day nine, the only people who have been caught are Steph and Dom.
The focus is now on Jay and Siva; the hunters having decided that being are down to earth is making them hard to find people are so willing to help these two.  The hunters pressure on the popstar duo has caused Jay and Siva to put on disguises. 
Jamie is struggling the paranoia of whether they are going to be caught is putting him on edge and we can see this through what appears to be an emotional breakdown halfway through the episode. It is good to see that Spencer cares about his team mate and is concerned for the mental wellbeing of his friend.
Anneka Rice is at a friend’s house and is admitting that her actions in the next few days are going to be risky. The hunters are sure that they will box her in soon enough and have identified the friend she is staying with,  she is on the move with another disguise and another place to hide.  The hunters are outside; Anneka has spotted them and comes up with a plan, will it get her out safely?  It is all over for Anneka. 
So, next week is the final episode and there are two teams left.
Will Spencer help Jamie overcome his paranoia and help him get his head back into the game?
Will Jay and Siva have the capability stay incognito for much longer?
Who will be the next to be caught?
And most importantly, will Jay keep the silver beard when this is all over?
Erika Speakman


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