Saturday 9 September 2017


TV review: Gogglebox - new makeovers , new titles, newbies Gogglebox is back!

The long awaited show Gogglebox, Channel 4, returned to our screens tonight and didn't dis-appoint.
We had new faces, home makeovers, and great viewing to keep us entertained.
Intro the music: and up pops faces we know and love. The Michael's in their new front room, oooh posh! Jenny and Lee, Jenny bought a new tea pot! Giles and Mary, Giles is worried about his man boobs!! to name but a few.

Ooh, aah, crikey, was shouted from our families as they sit and watch the TV.

Tuesday night was bake off night. Gasp, horror! Paul and Pru spit the food out! Mary wouldn't have done that!

In Derby, the Siddiqui's.Outside, the bins lined up along the street, but inside the nicest family you could wish to meet. Dad Siddiqui has dyed his hair and lots of viewers noticed, one wrote Mr Siddiqui and his lilac hair rinse, fabulous!

On Friday night ITV had some big news. Panic buying hoovers. Due to new EU laws being enforced soon. Jenny is worried about her 'Henry!!!'

In Liverpool Leon and June. Leon is on snapchat, but June prefers facetime. They will never agree!! On Tuesday night saw the gripping thriller Dr. Foster. Amera and Iqra eyes popping out like storks at what they were watching! The quote of the night: Giles to Mary, 'was that a remington shaver Mary, or something worse!'

While in Brighton Chris has got the builders in so is at Steves house, but in Steves words he's a crap host! So Chris when you next visit bring a flask!!

X Factors on and all the families are singing and swaying to the music!

Other viewers are commenting tonight The main theme being Mr. Siddiqui and his hair rinse. Jenny and Lee firm favourites. A lot of people are saying like me, they are just enjoying the whole show! As we draw to a close, we have The Mountain, on the TV and the snot nose monkey. Lot's of oohs and aah for this little monkey whose lost and alone! But luckily for the monkey his story had a happy ending.

Tonight was a fabulous show enjoyed by me and other viewers. The format is good and was a joy to watch. So now I am looking forward to next Friday and another Gogglebox.

By Sandra Yeo


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