Thursday 17 August 2017

Celebrity MasterChef Stephen Hendry gets sent home

 Natalie Akhavan
I recognized most of the celebs but I couldn't think where I knew them from. Stevens face I really well so it was annoying that I couldn't think where from from until they said. My Nan loved snooker and he was one of her favourites after Steve Davis, so thats why I would've known his face so well, but it was quite a few years ago...not heard about him for some time. 
I didn't know the tennis player.
I knew Julia's face fairly well too, but had no idea where from.
I knew that Jim was a comic straight away, so subconsciously I must've remembered his face quite well...because the name didn't jump out at me.
Angelicca face I knew instantly, same as her husband. When they showed him as a finalist on it before I recognized him straight away.

Stevens dish looked's my kind of food, its a shame he hadn't cooked his lamb that little bit more, that was his only error.
Julia's stew didn't particularly appeal to me, even though she did it well.
Jim's looked lovely too, he did better than i thought he would but the rhubarb I didn't understand, I wouldn't have put that on.
Henry did well too.
But Angeliccas stood out to me the most. I have got a sweet tooth though, just like baldy, that's something I could eat that now infact.

Now it's a different ball game in a professional kitchen. I'm expecting it to go wrong for a few of them in the restaurant, even if its having to get it looking all perfect.
I'm quite surprised at Tempur restaurant as they're very different to what I expected to see, usually they're the perfect little tiny dishes with all the fanciness on the plate.
I think Julia had it easier than Angelicca though because she didn't have as much demand, Angelicca has a lot more people ordering her dish. At one time she had loads of her burgers on the go in different pans so she did so well with the timing of it all and keeping up with it all. 
Julia's dish was more to my taste, it looked very tasty. I would imagine her to do fairly well here at this restaurant because she isn't a very inventive cook, she even said it herself, and luckily you don't need that skill at this place.
As soon as Julia walked into the restaurant I thought straight away theres no point going to all the effort of doing her makeup and hair, so when Angelicca said to her "there was no point tonguing to hair this morning" it made me laugh to myself.
Henry seemed to be panicing a lot, he seemed to struggle with all of it. He doesn't seem good under pressure.
Steven did really well after his 1st one where he burned the butter, he learnt from his mistake once he'd done one he'd got a feel for it. He seen to go into a world of his own, the chefs shouting to him but he wasn't shouting any answers back like he should be.
Jim did really well right from the start once he got into the hang of timing. I don't think he'd have been able to carry on doing it for longer than one day though.
I personally like Angelicca the most for it. I think she will go far.

I could see Julia had more confidence since being in the restaurant, but her dishes didn't do anything for me. Fish pie isn't something that appeals to me. And that dessert was pointless, there was no cooking involved and its Masterchef...that's weak.
Henry is just panicing....really panicing. He a very messy cook too, no tidying as goes.
Steven is a tidy cook but he just makes his portions way too big. When he got that joint of meat out I thought "how many does he think he's cooking for?"...that's how od expect an Army cook to portion his food. But his dishes seemed good in principle, but he made way too many mistakes in his final dishes, shame though.
Angelicca I expected to do well. I wonder if she's been learning from her husband...but i guess you only think that because he's been on before...for all we know she could've taught him. Her dishes appealed to me, her dessert especially, I could eat that now. She did very well.
Henry's appealed to me too. It's just a shame he didn't get to finish it fully. But the key is always to not set yourself too many tasks because it will only mess it up for you.
Jim's soup wasn't like soup...way too thick. And the beetroot and orange I did not understand at all.

So it is anyone's game at the end of this episode really...there's only Angelicca who made NO mistakes.
Steven could leave because of his dry fish, acidic sauce, overpacked plates, untidy slicing of his meat...but in other areas like the restaurant and his first dish he showed promise. But if they judge him on this performance...he's gone.
Jim's weird beetroot and orange side that didn't work plus his untidy plate and his very thick soup. But he definitely knows seasoning and how to cook well to go further.
Henry's unfinished main. But he proved he can cook very well, I think he's shown enough to go further.
Julia's very very weak dessert, that really let her down, she should've pushed herself more...but her fish pie showed that she also knows what she's doing when she puts her mind to it.

And it was Steven who left...well...can't say I'm surprised!!! He was just unlucky on the day, needed to focus more and pace himself because he said himself that he knows how to cook it properly, he just didn't manage it on the day, he must've been too nervous or panicked and rushed it, then just made too many mistakes.

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